Thursday, 19 September 2013

Why Hide the High Heels? Why?

Wearing high heels can be secretive, if you want.

You don’t have to wear them with a tight skirt and a nice wide belt. You should… but you don’t have to is what I’m saying.

Why not show off your heels is my motto.

This came about when I noticed an attractive woman, very Mediterranean in appearance, who was wearing some nice boots with 4 inch high heel spikes. Perfect said I.

We were both riding the public transit and she was engrossed in a cell-phone conversation… but then who isn’t these days. I suspect more people get hit by buses while talking on their phones than one would imagine.

She got up and then I realized that the jeans she was wearing completely covered her heels and boots. The hem of the pant leg ended just at the floor completely obscuring the heel and all but the tip of her pointed boot.

Okay, if you are embarrassed about wearing heels, although, I can’t imagine why, this is the route to go. And I applaud the fact she was wearing some significant high heels. Yet, it almost felt like a hollow victory because the beauty of the heel was hidden, even though her gait was graceful and predicated by the heels which gave her that fantastic step.

Oh well… at least she was wearing heels. Perhaps I should take the victory and go home.

Which I did.

Heelfully Yours

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