Saturday, 21 September 2013

To Stand Out In A Crowd - Wear High Heels!

One thing I noticed about Melonville… because most women wear the ugliest shoes imaginable, the really nice ones really stand out.

And that, I suppose, is the rub!

It’s probably all perspective. In a sea of ugly, brownish, smeared and scuffed rowboats, a bright shiny one really sticks out. And then the envy sets in.

However, if there are lots of shiny red boats, and shiny blue ones and shiny black ones, then it would become somewhat common face and accepted. Perspective.

Why do I say this. Well it’s like what I saw while reading an article from The Daily Mail.

Shoes are a passion, a hobby, a personal statement. You can tell a lot about a girl from her shoes - her confidence, her style, how much comfort she is prepared to sacrifice for that fabulous pair of heels. If my house were on fire, after my children, my shoes would be the first thing I'd save. 


A great pair of shoes, even a good pair of shoes, can lift your spirits and make you feel good about yourself. And that can go a long way further than that Prozac pill!

More importantly, good looking shoes can prevent you from injury. Most people, when they first see a pair of high heels being worn, usually the first comment I get, is how can you manage to walk in those things.

Same as anyone walking in Flip Flops. For example. I just heard from a friend of some one who gashed their head open, spilling blood and incurring a concussion, when they tripped on their Flips Flops and hit a cement wall. Cursed they be!


Six inch heels can be no less dangerous. Someone said to me I can’t run in heels. Pish Posh, sure you can. Oh, you won’t pass Marion Jones, steroids notwithstanding, but you can shuffle along fairly well. Try running, or even stepping quickly in Flip Flops. You’ll be on the ground faster than one of Jay Leno’s jokes.

Yet, in a see of Flip Flops, running shoes and Marge Simpson’s Flops, a nice pair of heels really stands out and lends on air of sophistication, elegance and a hint of sexuality. The other day I was sitting in a bistro, sipping a cup of java, watching the sea of flip flops and running shoes walk by… yawn. When a statuesque lady walked into the shop wearing a pair of 5” heels. She seemed powerful and self assured. And well dressed.

And that’s all it takes.

Heelfully Yours

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