Sunday, 29 September 2013

High heels turn heads ... they do!

It’s amazing what effect high heel shoes have on men.

It can change your whole sexual appearance.

There I was sitting in a Subway shop in downtown Melonville, sitting with a Hypoglycemic sweat and about to dig into my turkey breast when I noticed there were several men milling about the front, as this shop doubles as a variety store, each guy getting another frosty from the machine.

Two rather attractive women stepped through the door. Both were very sexily dressed but one had on her feet… you guessed it… flip flops.

The second woman was wearing 4” heel sandals.

Which one was ogled by the men?!

Well… let’s say Miss Flip Flops lost. The guys hung around and teased each other and watched the woman in heels as she bought her purchase and tittered out the door… the men laughed in that way they have when they have been teased by a gorgeous woman.

Now I ask you? Would you not enjoy a gaggle of men enjoying your looks and in their testosteronial way with desire you?

Of course you would… it’s sexy to have that happen.

Only high heels can give you that awesome wiggle that says to the world… I enjoy my body.

So don those high heels and wiggle around while shopping. You’ll change the world.

Heelfully Yours

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