Thursday, 19 September 2013

Shops Full Of High Heel Shoes, Shoppers Who Wear Flats

Without a doubt, high heels can elongate your legs and make them look sexier.

Then why is there so much argument about this.

In this day of age when botox injections, nip & tuck, liposuction, etc etc are all the vogue and tacitly accepted, why are high heels so venomously attacked as arbiters of crippledom.

I don’t get it.

Today, I saw an attractive young Malaysian in the mall, who was also a little on the skinny side and quite petite, wearing 4” heel pumps. She looked magnificent. Credit the high heel shoes.

They made her walk with grace and sexuality as her hips swayed with each step, making her more woman than a little girl, which is a look she could have easily adopted.

Hell, all the girls in the mall looked like BritSpearian tramps: all with lousy footwear. Yet all around them were shoe shops displaying marvelous selections of shoes and footwear. Alas, they were all adorned with flip flops.

I don’t get it.

I mean what is the harm in wearing even good or attractive shoes. I will even give you a pass to wear shoes that are not high heeled. Why is it so hard to wear attractive shoes?

Now, I live in a city where there are only two shoe seasons. Boots and flip flops. And it is also a University / College town so there are now thousands of young souls entering this city bringing with them the fashions from around the world.

But this city is strong! It has the strongest conformity factor known in the Universe. (A friend of mine from out of town once thought we had an acid wash denim factory here because when he visited he saw everyone wearing acid wash -- everything) Fads, once adopted, must be strictly adhered to lest yee be banished to less popular nightclubs.

It only takes a couple of weeks and presto – bango! They become assimilated. Apparently their resistance WAS futile.

Conformity, thy name is Melonville! It is hard to be well dressed or even slightly out of sorts of the faddish conformity this city presses upon one. Probably due to it's bible beltiness attitudes of "ye are either with us, or against us" this brings with it.

So why all the flat heeled shoes in this naked city? I attribute it to it’s coarseness in fashion. In other words, they do not have their Fash’ on … but rather have their Fash’ off!

I don’t get it.

Heelfully Yours


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