In this world of Goths, cyber-goths, Geek-chic, skater wear, gangsta apparel where guys wear the clothing of people who hold nothing but disdain for them . . . or trailer park fashions… or the fight club look…
Why do high heel shoes and boots still cause the most consternation among the populace? It behooves me.
In fact, wearing high heels shuld be way done the list of those who 'stick out' in the crowd, so as they say.
I was walking the other day and heard some comments about my 6” heels, so I glanced quickly, as I usually do not pay attention to the Old Navy crowd nor consider their opinions even relevant, and... Sure enough... they were wearing Old Navy attire... from head to (gasp!) foot!
The understood meaning of their comments (the under story for you writers out their) is they were fashionably normal and I was not. Yet… all three of them looked identical. (does not that seem odd, I ask?) I had not seen this petty display since high school (admission: I was rocker punk then) and the same idea that because what they were wearing was what they considered normal, then everyone else was not unless they donned the same clothing.
This childish attitude I though passed when I left being a teenager behind. However, there is this tendency in the world to force people to wear what they feel others should wear. It went on during the middle ages with the sumptuary laws of the 14th century where it was decreed that those of the lower castes could not wear what was worn by the nobility.
There are places still like that today, only because we’re soooo 21st century (ahem… Iran, I’m talking about you) where the government decrees that women can only wear certain types of clothes. This is not out of step or thinking with those who wear nothing but, and only, Old Navy clothing. Same thing, different screen door!
Oops! Sorry, this turned into a political tract … but you see my point?
So I guess stars like Nicole Kidman, Gwen Stefani, Halle Berry, Courtney Love… and many others, are not so fashionable (given the opinions of some Old Navy dressed pundits) given the fact they wear high heels on a daily basis. Yes, no one even considers them attractive or sexy… no way. But one secret ingredient to their sexy persona is the care and attention they give their footwear (or at least their people do)!
So I’ll continue to wear my extreme heels because I can. And I hold the opinion that those who can’t wear them will continue to mock those who do because that’s what they are reduced to doing! But men will always be attracted to those who wear high heel shoes and boots … and if you want to test the theory…go to a party wearing flats and then go to another wearing heels. The difference will make you a believer!
Heelfully Yours
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