Saturday, 7 September 2013

Why does CNN hate high heel shoes?

It must be sweeps week on television again. How can I tell? The health shows pull out the old chestnut about how high-heels damage your feet and wreck your back.

It’s good television. It addresses something every viewer can relate to – the agony of da feat. And the main culprit, public enemy number one, the big enchilada - the evil high heel shoe.

And like Osama, no one can find the guy who makes everyone wear them and makes everyone find them so sexy. Where is that guy? (** Turns out he wasn't so hard to find after all**)

I watched as American Morning on CNN trounced all over the high heel shoe, as medical pundits (usually doctors who make a ton of money off curing feet aliments) talk about how the high heel damages. The way they speak, you’d swear the makers of high heels are tobacconists!

They're not!

And CNN is doing us this great service informing us to wear sensible shoes and burn the high heels. In other words, wear granny flats. In fact, I’m pretty darn sure the people backing these so-called foot studies that denounce high heels are well funded, not by big oil or tobacco, but the other one – running shoe companies.

People wearing attractive and sexy high heels are not likely to buy as many running shoes. A closet full of high heels stilettos and pumps . . . or running shoes. (I’m sure every rapper on both coasts would drool over the latter)

However, this is all mindless dribble.

Why? Because the high heel isn’t going anywhere because they’re too damn sexy. They make you feel sexy. People adore you in high heels. Admire even.

As for running shoes. Same as the next one.

But the most appalling thing I heard by these shoe experts was this. Wear high heels on special occasions only. Like a night out on the town. Well.. anyone who has worn high heels would laugh at that absurdity. Not because the shoes are sexy but because you just can’t slip on a pair of 4” heels and dance the night away. You have to practice. You have to train. And this training is the thing that will prevent ankle twists and alleviate leg and back pain as your muscles are not wrenched into unfamiliar territories.

Experts my foot!

Heelfully Yours

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