Saturday, 2 November 2013

The Taller the Heel - the More you Wield.

I've heard this many times before. Many think if you wear high heels you must be an idiot. Those who wear heels must need their heads read. For instance  take this twerp as he describes those who have heels upon their feet. 

"Take those heels off dumb dumb, they’re hurting your brain! At least that’s what Jorge Cortell, CEO of health care software company, thought when he attended a recent tech conference for entrepreneurs and was puzzled at the sight of women clicking their spiky heels around the event. He promptly tweeted his concern for the lack of mental health he saw by posting a picture of a woman in black stilettos with a caption that read, “Event supposed to be for entrepreneurs, VCs, but these heels (I’ve seen several like this)… WTF #brainsnotrequired.” This tweet went over just about as well as you would expect (considering women actually do know how to read and saw it), with several bloggers picking it up and denouncing it for being sexist. He tried to defend himself later by saying the decision to wear heels is “dumb” since they may lead to falls, blisters, soreness and other ailments."

Well, isn't he a bright light in this dark, dark world. I have seen people fall, get blisters, have sore feet and other ailments in so called sensible shoes. Poor fitting shoes are poor fitting shoes. You can do just as much damage in ill fitting flats as you can in heels if the shoe does not fit properly - and that is why that argument does not fly. 

What I hear in this CEO's words is fear. 

He's afraid of women. He's afraid of women with power. He's afraid of losing control. And more importantly, he secretly desires these women wearing heels. It was a cry of denial. He may even want to wear heels even if he does not recognize this fact. 

It's also ignorance and wearing heels with skill is no different than people who learn how to roller blade or skate. Footwear is footwear. 

Besides ... name a sexier shoe out there. 

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Why wear six inch heels.

I'm often asked - why wear six inch high heels. I usually reply - why not!

It's a choice. But it is such a sensuous choice. A choice that changes my whole body when I wear them. I become much more sexual, my legs take on curves that would not exist in running shoes. They make me fel sexy and if I feel sexy I feel confident - and that makes me feel sexy - ooooo - it's one of those delicious vicious circles that works in one's favour.

Yes, why not!

Hip-hop nerds wear their pants around their knees making them walk like a cross between a Penquin and Charlie Chaplin. Some wear their Uggs in summertime - which has to be uncomfortably hot and sweaty. Or there is the "if there's jewellery it has to be worn no matter how much" crowd.

I think someone who is wearing extreme heels is making a statement. The heel is an extension of our leg(s) and makes us longer in profile. It makes us stand out in the crowd and telegraphs our sense of who we are. Why doesn't everyone want that?

Sexually repressed, shy, scared, hopelessly addicted to wearing boring shoes - there are many reasons why people don't wear heels. I'd include right wing republican Christians but as everyone knows they are are the kinkiest around, just Doms in disguise. Yet, no matter how long and how hard the purists of shoes berate the high heel its allure remains. In fact, the more the purists argue against it, the more alluring high heels become. 

So do not fear for those who wear high heels. Other's may mock, but they secretly desire to wear them. And if you do wear them and walk well in them... well, you are just another in a long line of alluring people. 

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

A girl must own a few shoes, you say?

I know a few women who own, at best, maybe 4 pairs of shoes. Doesn't that sound odd given the hyper media stories surrounding women and their hundreds of pairs? Perhaps, yet these women are more practical than the Ancient Stoics. Men… a couple of pair … sure that sounds right enough. Women – it evokes a sense of wonderment.

Yet there is a reason. They are not fashionable. They have – excuse the pun – pedestrian jobs that require maximum standing time and two of their shoes are always a pair of sneakers and or … shiver…. Crocs.

So why do I mention this? Because an unusual affliction besets a women who purchases their first significant high heeled shoe. And affliction which causes anguish and desire.

You can’t just have one pair.

Perhaps not even 10 pairs… you start to crave all the high heeled shoes and boots you can get your little mittens on. It can be addictive. Intoxicating trying on that latest design. Taking the first steps.

I’m getting the vapours.

Okay, so when it comes to shoes and closets and – ahem – sometimes rooms, you have to cut women a little slack. Maybe a lot of slack – it depends.

And if you are so afflicted with the allure of high heels – enjoy!

Heelfully Yours


Sunday, 13 October 2013

Save Us From the Evil Flop Flops!

Flip Flops. . . in short . . . are not shoes. They are so far from being shoes they may as well be Alien wear.

But they cover the bottom of your feet, does that not classify it as street wear? you say.


It’s beachwear. . . something to keep your tender tootsies from being fried silly by the hot sand at the beach. Or the even hotter cement in your backyard pool area. But they are not designed to wear to a club or to the mall.

You would not see six inch heel pumps being worn to the beach. Impracticable beyond measure (although you will see high heels if a beer commercial is being filmed).

Yet, when I go out to clubs, I see the scourge of my existence. Flip Flops… on the dance floor! The horror! The sacrilege! Is nothing sacred anymore?

Although, it might be the city I live in. It’s a medium sized city with an unhealthy obsession with anything University and was once called the City of Fads. (Oh this city used to a sea of acid wash) However, most people, in a city where the studentia almost outnumber the residents, seem to dress like every day is laundry day!

Hence the preponderance of Flip Flops as the number one choice of footwear. Even in the dead of winter. There could be three feet of snow and a wind-chill that puts a shiver into Polar Bears, yet there you see them . . . the Flip Flops!

They have their role. They have their place in society. But as a formal or even a casual shoe choice? Heaven forefend.

But okay, I live with this ignominy. Because I live for the night life, I love to Boogie. And the dance floor is sacred. Yet to see anyone out on the town painting it whatever shade they like wearing high heels, or even just sexy footwear . . is such a rarity these days.

So I ask, for the sake of all that is sacred and Holy. . . leave the Flip Flops in the beach bag where they belong.

I beseech you!

Heelfully Yours

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Who Should Wear Super High Heels?

Of course my motto is – High-Heels at All Times.


There are times when they should not be worn. Or more importantly, who should not wear them. I don’t know if I could stand seeing Martha Stewart in 5” heels… wait… scratch that… on second thought, that’s kinda hot… I mean when you think about it.

How about Rosanne Barr… Well, apart from the sheer hydraulics and engineering required for such an endeavor, I think the money spent on that quest would be better directed to finding a cure for AIDS or sending a live mission to Mars.

The thought of Rosanne in 5”heels… nope. Nothing.

And that brings me to my point. It takes some doing to not seem hot and sexy in high heels. You have to bring some sort of ugly to the package to not bring it out. They can make anyone look sexy.

Erin Burnett in 5" heels... not that's hot. 

However, Janet Yellin… it can’t be helped, she can’t pull it off. There’s just something about her in heels that can not be imagined… or imagined in a bad way.

But do not despair if you feel heels are a hindrance rather than a help. They can be a sexy start. And if you wear heels and get comfortable wearing them, in no time at all, the sexiness of the heels will travel up your legs and transform the rest of you.

So starting with some really nice heels is the beginning of a new you. Chuck away those self-help books, they never address the power of the high heel. Never! Buy a pair of black 4” pumps and voila, the rest of your wardrobe will change to conform to the heels. It’s true.

And before you know… you will be the sexiest person alive!

However, that being said, I would not stop anyone from wearing heels. 

Heelfully Yours

Friday, 11 October 2013

Hooker shoes? Seriously are we still accusing.

Why is the very act of wearing high heels always seem provocative – even sexually aggressive? Because they are! That’s the whole idea behind them.

The arch travels up the leg to the butt and causes one’s body to move differently. Alluring and sensuous. There can be no other way to describe the affects high heels produces in the wearer and on the beholder.

Recently, someone saw a co-worker wearing high heel wedges – and believe you me, they just qualified as high heels. Barely. Yet someone called them hooker shoes.


One, just wearing high heels does not make one a hooker. (I do not want to disparage any lades of the evening here). That is a completely different issue. Yes, so called hookers sometimes wear high heels but not always and not around here.

Two, does the act of wearing a short skirt make one – again – a hooker. No. I call abuse of the high heel shoe and wish to have this person banished from the human race – maybe make her candidate for the Mars exploratory crew.

Lots of women wear high heels to compliment their look. There a multitude of ways of pairing it up  - just have a look at the picture above.

Jeans, skinny. Blazer jacket with white blouse, check.

And completely off-kilter to the look from the waist up are  black boots with straps and buckles that say dangerous – along with a good four inch heel.

Provocative yes, but balanced by the whole image. The boots themselves stab at the eye and nothing about the rest of she is wearing is overtly sexual or even sexy. By doing so, she has look that is classic yet states the lascivious nature behind her footwear.

It works. Marveously.

So whenever anyone says to me… hooker shoes. I reply to them,” takes one to know one.”

I’m so bad.

Heelfully Yours


Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Why Men Should Wear High-Heels!

There are many reasons why men don’t wear high heels. Yet, there are just as many compelling reasons for men to don the infamous stiletto and strut about. If history serves, men wore high heels before the fairer sex decided to include them in their fashion oeuvre.

Height: the most obvious reason, high-heels give men added height. And this should help those men who are somewhat height disadvantaged to match their dates who may be wearing 5 inch stilettos. And to intimidate underlings at your place of employ!

Bar fights: men would not enter into any agreements of fisticuffs (as much) if wearing a pair of stilettos. That whole balance thing is different in a pair. Conversely, if you do find yourself in the midst of bar brawl, having six inch daggers handy on your feet can come to use. Come on… you’ve all seen CSI!

Girls: the more a man stretches beyond the confines of narrowly designed social constructs for the male image, the more a woman is inclined to imagine those men who wander outside the lines and what they could mean in bed. A man who knows the joy and the heartache of wearing heels, may be more user friendly in the sack.

Exercise: high heels make you sweat. Having to charge up a flight of stairs in those precarious instruments of delight can take your breath away. And the amount of concentration and planning to transverse a flight of stairs in the stilettos can help with exercising the ol’ grey matter- to boot.

Compromising: If you And your lady friend are both wearing heels, then you will have the same walking gate. No more having to wait for her to titter up those stairs because you would be too!

And lastly, the appeal to that last vestige of testosterone, wearing high heels is an extreme sport.


Heelfully Yours

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Alas... 5" Heels Spotted Downtown Mellonville. Joy!

Well… this little burg can surprise me every once in awhile.

It was a lovely day here in the naked city. The big smog. Warm and spring-like… we have almost forgotten the motorcycle gang killings and settled into waiting for the smog to descend upon us.

But this also means summer temperatures and away go the boots and shoes and out comes the dreaded Flip Flops.

Not today … not today.

I walked into our Library-slash-downtown mall and there, in the hallway, a lovely Latino girl wearing white 5” pumps. I was beside myself with glee. Finally, some other kindred spirit wearing really sexy heels.

And she was ever so gorgeous.

They were being worn to be seen, no long pants, no long skirt. They were to be enjoyed. She walked well in them too. No stutter steps… no pausing to re-capture balance.

It was such a pleasure to see and behold.

But alas… summer brings us flip flops; winter brings us Uggs … it bears down on us. And the hideous footwear of rich students acting impoverished and the Top Ten People. (In case you do not know the term Top Ten People, it was coined many a year ago to refer to office workers who only saw top ten films, read top ten books, listened to top ten music, go to top ten vacation spots) They are horrible people.

With summer comes flats. With winter well ... it's hideous to say the least. I am bracing myself. Gently easing myself into this period of no heels and no boots. However, with luck, there will be more kindred spirits walking the sidewalks of our fair city, proudly strutting in their 5” heels.

I can only hope and dream … and wait ... to see if real shoes return.

Heelfully Yours

Monday, 7 October 2013

How Well Shod Are You?

To be well shod.

I believe the origins of this phrase has something to do with horses – but no matter, it speaks well of high heels as well, in a peculiar way.

As I walked through Melonville today, a shiny warm day, I saw a few brave souls wearing heels, mainly 3”affairs… but at least they were heels. Most were wearing the dreaded, horrific Flip Flops.

And I started to wonder why the sexy high-heel is so regarded as ‘freakish’. It doesn’t make any sense. Why? Because everyone secretly lusts after them.

To wear high-heels (let’s make it perfectly, clear high-heels are 3 inches and up) makes you very aware of the very act of walking. They make you feel sexy. This will in turn make you look sexy.

Do you disagree.

Well, there are very few exotic dancers who wear flat shoes. And if they do, they will go broke. Any dancer will quickly determine the way to increase income is to learn how to walk in heels. Because no matter how often a person decries and scoffs at the high heel, they are most often attracted to them.

The high-heel is alluring and sensuous. The wearer is saying, I like to look and feel sexy.

High heel boots only transfer up the leg what the heels start, wrapping the legs in a provocative sleeve of leather, shifting the focus away from sexy to sexy power.

So, in a way I’m happy not everyone wears high-heels. It’s always refreshing and tantalizing when you happen to see someone IS wearing them and you feel a kindred spirit and attachment that is signaled between the wearers.

Break away from the bland, the blah, the ordinary and the conformity. Don a pair of 5” pumps and show of your legs. In my opinion, you will definitely be well-shod.

Heelfully Yours

Sunday, 6 October 2013

High Heels - Blessed Are Those Who Wear Thy Heels!

Today, while poking around the internet, looking for tidbits of information and delight, I stumbled upon something that was both horrifying and compelling. And in weird sort of way, actually helps my crusade for high heels.

It was an article about the way woman dress provocatively, and by doing so, become sinners in the eyes of God.

Oh, baby . . . that’s what I’m talking about. Yeah!

In fact, in a sense of backfiring of biblical proportions, the writer’s emphasis on how sexy a woman dresses leads men into temptation (never mind any girl on girl), and I quote:

Christian woman, do you ever dress like a prostitute? You may not intend to do so, but if your clothes draw a man's attention to your body, then you are guilty of this wickedness. And you are an accomplice in the destruction of men's souls, even if you don't sleep with them. If you think prostitutes wear five-inch stiletto heels, fishnet hose, very short black leather skirts, and very tight, bright red sweaters, you prove ignorance of this subject!
Ohhh … baby! Pardon me while I sprinkle some cold chardonnay on my sweating, quivering brow. The whole article in its decrying of the way woman dress and the shameful acts that woman cause by donning clothes and slipping on shoes is ... Well… I have to say … it’s Hot baby … HOT!

I mean… this article read like a hot sexy erotic novel from Blue Moon books. Take this paragraph … please:

High heels were not invented for comfort, but to alter the shape of the calves and the movement of the hips while walking. A mincing walk is a wanton walk (Is 3:16). Sleeveless dresses, sandals with straps, lace and gauze overlays, ankle bracelets, and many other items should concern the consciences of women striving for public modesty.
Oh public modesty… oooohhh … it’s never been so modest … and sooo large!

But here’s the thing. These scriptures were written thousands of years ago by scores of men and rewritten several times over by men, lonely, desperate men, who had entered monasteries so they could eat. They lusted. They dreamed… and they hated themselves for it.

And many a year later, we have modern day purists trying to interpret ancient texts, out of context, to fit their narrow little world view I call “Fear of Sexuality” or more importantly “Fear of Life”.

I mean the last thing a Christian Purist will do is read the whole bible, cover to cover. Because by jiminy… look at all the sex in there. Oh the begetting! And if a wife couldn’t begat… then another woman was brought in to begat. They tend to only read the sections that bolster their own personal Biblical view.

So, there it is. Keep wearing those high-heels. I mean can there be anything sexier. This article virtually says there is nothing hotter!

By the by, if you’re curious, the whole article is listed here. But I caution you; you’ll either laugh you head off or get really aroused. But the last thing you’ll become is a non-sinner.

Oh and the last thing a Christian will do, at least a purist, is turn the other cheek. It is the one tenet of the Bible that sticks in their craw.

Heelfuly Yours

Saturday, 5 October 2013

High Heels - It's All In the Arch!

What causes us to lust after the high heel?

They are undeniably sexy… true.

But they hurt the feet and the legs and cause back problems, it is complained. True . . . they do. But so do running shoes and flats … even Flips Flops . . . if worn incorrectly, or you have a bad fit.

The culprit. The arch.

Badly fitted shoes kill that arch support. I’ve seen women who have incredible foot problems who have never worn a heel over and inch, and that was by mistake when they didn’t realize they were wearing a Cuban Heel.

Oh the humanity!

A properly supported arch is sooo important regardless of the heel height. A six inch heel with a high arch that supports the curvature of the foot is best. A low arch will cause the damage, but more importantly, a poorly fitted, incorrectly matched arch does the most damage. At 6” or 1”, the result is the same.

In conjunction with this is the toe-box. One should always wear high heels that give generous room in the toe box. A good discussion on this can be found at:

Personally, I think training is the proper way. If you constantly wear Flip Flops, you’re feet will spread out until you look like a Hobbit from the Shire. And who wants to see that on the dance floor (Sorry Frodo…).

As I’ve said, high heel stilettos are not for everyone. Unfortunately, in Melonville, the ones wearing them are far too often those who shouldn’t, and I get misty eyed when I see perfectly shaped legs come to an abrupt stop in Flops. It kills the curvature of the calf, which is such a big bonus to wearing the heel.

But all that doesn’t matter.

The high heel is elegant, provocative, sexy, signaling, sensuous, and gives one a tingly feeling. Can this be bad?

Absolutely not!

Heelfully Yours.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Talk-Shows Seem To Hate High Heels!

I need to find out how one becomes a camera operator on a talk-show.


Because whenever a star comes out wearing super sexy, fantabulous high heel shoes, as they walk across the stage to take a seat and begin to converse with the host, the camera operator invariably cuts them off at the knees.

Or if they are in a particular temperamental and disturbing mood… will cut the image of just above the ankles.

There are few free joys in the world, and seeing celebrities in their heels is one of them. Mind you I don’t sit with bated breathe and drooling, quivering lips to see a brief glimpse of celebrities heels… that guy lives down the hall.

I am more curious and pleasantly surprised by the style and type of heel each celebrity wears. And some of these shoes cost a fortune. More than some small countires entire GDP for the year, kinda fortune.

So if I was a celebrity who shelled out serious platinum bars for a pair of Manolo’s only for the grips and gaffers to see them … well I’d be pissed.

I can visulize the star in the hotel room, walking in the heels, making sure they fit and are comfortable to avoid that awkward step before sitting in the chair … and thinking of the heel training they have done so they can glide across the stage floor as elegantly as possible – only to have some goof-ball camera operator chunk the shot.

It would get by bloomers in a knot!

I mean do these stars show up in Birkenstocks?? (Shudder… gasping for air)

By no means… they have careers to consider.

Therefore, I appeal to all that is good and human in these talk-show hosts to plead with these camera operators to widen the shot just a titch (you know what a titch is) and include the celebrities footwear in their glory walk to the interview chair.

You’re ratings would go up… I know the guy down the hall would start tuning in again!

Heelfully Yours

Thursday, 3 October 2013

High Heels - All The Time, Any Place!

I just read an interesting forum thread talking about the long time affects from wearing high heels extensively. That after a given time your leg tendons shrink and you are locked into wearing high heels the rest of your life.

Heaven forefend!

Mind you, deftly stepping out in 6” heels when you’re 75 years old might be tricky and perhaps not advisable, this is true.

However, this never has to happen if you take your breaks in the heels. Meaning, get out there and run a few blocks in joggers. It will do you’re legs good and your heart too!

Aside from the long term health benefits, other posters contributed by saying things like who would show up at a little league game wearing stilettos. I mean holy sacrilege. Okay. Hang on here… I have to stop foaming at the mouth.

Now this was a high heel shoes forum discussing fetish footwear and ultra high heels and there were posts from some misguided and delusional posters decrying the wearing of the stiletto above 4” unless a night out on the town is in order. I had to keep checking to see if I had accidently wandered into the Gerry Falwell website by mistake.

Again … for shame!

What is this lunacy? Of course you can wear 5” and 6” heels to a little league game, but one has to think, style, wardrobe, culture… yeah culture baby!

You don’t wear the pumps… you wear the boots with a 5” heel. With a longish skirt or loose fitting pants or with capris. You have to coordinate or die!

Or sandal-plats or wedge heels with a significant heel - to the little league park.

No one would wear a slinky evening affair to the park – why would anyone wear evening wear stilettos?

Is there no common sense left in this world? Do I have to dress this shaggy little planet? It’s still called Earth, right … I have had my head in the cyber-world for awhile now, so it’s best to check.

High heels can be worn everywhere and anywhere at any time. Except perhaps if you’re scuba diving… and I have prototype high heel flippers in the works. (Patent Pending). So watch out Seaworld!

Heelfully Yours

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Walking In High Heel Stilettos - It's More Fun Than You Think

How does one walk in super high heels? Ahhhh . . . the eternal question, usually posed by those who are wearing dead flat shoes.

The one thing I’ve discovered is everyone has their one way of walking in them – their own gate and cadence. To each their own
. . .

Some walk by placing each foot directly in front of the other. This is a sexy, elegant walk as it causes the hips to sway and the legs to sensuously arc slightly as the shoe travels from behind to the front.

Others like to goose step in them, throwing the heel outwards -then placing the heel, then the toes downward, kicking the air slightly as they go.

Still others stomp . . . but we won’t get into that.

I’ve seen the glide step, or the pony prancing which was all the rage with the models on the runways, where you pick up the heel and stab it downwards much as a pony does when stepping out. (I can’t tell you how much I hated that look, and for whatever reason that caught on, I do not know, but it seems to have passed)

Then there are those who walk like football players in them. (Very popular around Melonville here) and must be brutal on the feet and ankles. Not to mention the longevity of the shoes themselves.

Practiced and elegant walkers in high heels, stilettos and pumps combine most of the established walking style: gliding, swaying and goose steping until they have a style of their very own. The act of walking then becomes second nature and no thought or obstacle even remotely bothers them . . . dodging and weaving . . . and I dare say even running in the precarious heels.

And if you think running is out of the question, you did not see the Japanese game show where they lined up around eight participants on a running track, all wearing some degree of heel, some only a couple of inches, others taller and in platforms. And the gun was fired and off they ran . . . sprinting down the track in heels.

Ironically, the only one who fell and injured herself was the one wearing running shoes, the one who was supposed to prove the point about high heels.

It just goes to show you what my grandmother used to say . . . If you are going to be stubborn and obstinate – then you better be damn right.

So wear the high heels at any time and anywhere. At first, it will be tricky. There will be problem areas and you may have to navigate with caution. But eventually, you’ll become so skilled in high-heels, you’ll put the contortionists and the acrobats on stilts at the Cirque du Soliel to shame.

Heelfully Yours

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Foot Specialists Are Evil Goons of the Sensible Shoe Cartel!

Some people can’t leave sleeping horses lie. Especially if they’re foot specialists.

Note the time and what you’re doing as you will hear it here first. Yes, there is a conspiracy. The real descendents of the Knights Templar working with secret assassins and DaVinci Code specialists are – foot specialists.


I know because I was accosted by one of their agents provocateurs the other day while walking with Mia Magenta as we strolled to our intended destination. We were stopped in a parking lot – not a poorly lit, empty one as in All The President’s Men – because this is Melonville afterall folks.

And she chastised my friend for not wearing shoes, as she was walking barefoot, enjoying the feel of the ground, the dirt and the grass beneath her feet. And this foot specialist went on to inform her of all the dangers and damage she was doing to her feet.

My my, are they not the same ones who tell us not to wear high heel shoes as well. Now you have to wear shoes which leads me to think the pseudo-doctors are just working in league with the cartel made up of the running and sensible shoe manufacturers.

They show how little they know about feet. Like the foot specialist telling all and sundry on CNN to wear high heels only on special occasions. Could there BE any more damaging advice to give?

Would you tell a skier not to practice on the slopes and only wear the skis during the race only? No. Is there chance of injury… yes. But less so if you have trained. And so it is with high heels. You have to wear them and train in them in anything above an inch.

I have seen more injuries from people wearing the incorrect running shoes than high heels and the foot specialist has no answer other than buying more expensive shoes and . . . more importantly . . . see them as regularly as possible.

Hence the sinister motives of the foot specialist – remember they have cottages and motor boats to support.

So the day that people should not walk around without shoes is equated to wearing 6” high heels has arrived. Oh but I guess Flip Flops are fine. How did people over all these millennia get by without shoes? I wonder. . .

Wear your heels and practice the art of the high heel. And ignore the foot specialists . . .or listen to them at your peril.

Heelfully Yours