Thursday, 3 October 2013

High Heels - All The Time, Any Place!

I just read an interesting forum thread talking about the long time affects from wearing high heels extensively. That after a given time your leg tendons shrink and you are locked into wearing high heels the rest of your life.

Heaven forefend!

Mind you, deftly stepping out in 6” heels when you’re 75 years old might be tricky and perhaps not advisable, this is true.

However, this never has to happen if you take your breaks in the heels. Meaning, get out there and run a few blocks in joggers. It will do you’re legs good and your heart too!

Aside from the long term health benefits, other posters contributed by saying things like who would show up at a little league game wearing stilettos. I mean holy sacrilege. Okay. Hang on here… I have to stop foaming at the mouth.

Now this was a high heel shoes forum discussing fetish footwear and ultra high heels and there were posts from some misguided and delusional posters decrying the wearing of the stiletto above 4” unless a night out on the town is in order. I had to keep checking to see if I had accidently wandered into the Gerry Falwell website by mistake.

Again … for shame!

What is this lunacy? Of course you can wear 5” and 6” heels to a little league game, but one has to think, style, wardrobe, culture… yeah culture baby!

You don’t wear the pumps… you wear the boots with a 5” heel. With a longish skirt or loose fitting pants or with capris. You have to coordinate or die!

Or sandal-plats or wedge heels with a significant heel - to the little league park.

No one would wear a slinky evening affair to the park – why would anyone wear evening wear stilettos?

Is there no common sense left in this world? Do I have to dress this shaggy little planet? It’s still called Earth, right … I have had my head in the cyber-world for awhile now, so it’s best to check.

High heels can be worn everywhere and anywhere at any time. Except perhaps if you’re scuba diving… and I have prototype high heel flippers in the works. (Patent Pending). So watch out Seaworld!

Heelfully Yours

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