Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Why Men Should Wear High-Heels!

There are many reasons why men don’t wear high heels. Yet, there are just as many compelling reasons for men to don the infamous stiletto and strut about. If history serves, men wore high heels before the fairer sex decided to include them in their fashion oeuvre.

Height: the most obvious reason, high-heels give men added height. And this should help those men who are somewhat height disadvantaged to match their dates who may be wearing 5 inch stilettos. And to intimidate underlings at your place of employ!

Bar fights: men would not enter into any agreements of fisticuffs (as much) if wearing a pair of stilettos. That whole balance thing is different in a pair. Conversely, if you do find yourself in the midst of bar brawl, having six inch daggers handy on your feet can come to use. Come on… you’ve all seen CSI!

Girls: the more a man stretches beyond the confines of narrowly designed social constructs for the male image, the more a woman is inclined to imagine those men who wander outside the lines and what they could mean in bed. A man who knows the joy and the heartache of wearing heels, may be more user friendly in the sack.

Exercise: high heels make you sweat. Having to charge up a flight of stairs in those precarious instruments of delight can take your breath away. And the amount of concentration and planning to transverse a flight of stairs in the stilettos can help with exercising the ol’ grey matter- to boot.

Compromising: If you And your lady friend are both wearing heels, then you will have the same walking gate. No more having to wait for her to titter up those stairs because you would be too!

And lastly, the appeal to that last vestige of testosterone, wearing high heels is an extreme sport.


Heelfully Yours

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