Saturday, 2 November 2013

The Taller the Heel - the More you Wield.

I've heard this many times before. Many think if you wear high heels you must be an idiot. Those who wear heels must need their heads read. For instance  take this twerp as he describes those who have heels upon their feet. 

"Take those heels off dumb dumb, they’re hurting your brain! At least that’s what Jorge Cortell, CEO of health care software company, thought when he attended a recent tech conference for entrepreneurs and was puzzled at the sight of women clicking their spiky heels around the event. He promptly tweeted his concern for the lack of mental health he saw by posting a picture of a woman in black stilettos with a caption that read, “Event supposed to be for entrepreneurs, VCs, but these heels (I’ve seen several like this)… WTF #brainsnotrequired.” This tweet went over just about as well as you would expect (considering women actually do know how to read and saw it), with several bloggers picking it up and denouncing it for being sexist. He tried to defend himself later by saying the decision to wear heels is “dumb” since they may lead to falls, blisters, soreness and other ailments."

Well, isn't he a bright light in this dark, dark world. I have seen people fall, get blisters, have sore feet and other ailments in so called sensible shoes. Poor fitting shoes are poor fitting shoes. You can do just as much damage in ill fitting flats as you can in heels if the shoe does not fit properly - and that is why that argument does not fly. 

What I hear in this CEO's words is fear. 

He's afraid of women. He's afraid of women with power. He's afraid of losing control. And more importantly, he secretly desires these women wearing heels. It was a cry of denial. He may even want to wear heels even if he does not recognize this fact. 

It's also ignorance and wearing heels with skill is no different than people who learn how to roller blade or skate. Footwear is footwear. 

Besides ... name a sexier shoe out there. 

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